jeudi 22 août 2013

Introductory article

Hey! :) 
Basicly this is just a quick introductory article for my blog that I just started.
As this is my first article on my blog I thought maybe I could talk a bit about myself, so my name is Scarlett, i'm 16, I was born the 4th of december 1996.
I live in Paris in France and I study marketing. 
I like a lot of simple things like my bed, yoga and my family and friends, but I am also a very strange person sometimes. 
So here's a few random facts about myself:

I'm scared of lifts, I don't really know where it comes from though. 
I alredy dyed my hair in pink. 
I'm obsessed with everything dealing with beauty and fashion. 
I have the same scar as harry potter on my forehead.
I have very flexible fingers. 
I'm half french, half english.
I love attraction parcs.
I know every disney songs by heart.
I have an hamster called hamtaro.
My favourite color is mint.
Asian food is my favourite.
So that was a few facts about myself :)  
Love, scarlett xx 

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